
  • 25 Oct 2020 9:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ISKO UK Meetup* events are now organized through the Knowledge Organization group.

    Sign up and join our group at Meetup to know more and register for our monthly Zoom events.

  • 4 Oct 2020 5:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In this September virtual ISKO UK Meetup, four speakers gave a demonstration of tools that help them building taxonomies, including: 

    1. PoolParty CardSorting software with Ian Piper - Slides
    2. Thesaurus manager Similarity and Suggestions with Niké Brown 
    3. Graphcommons with Phil Stacey   Slides
    4. Qualitative data analysis computer software Nvivo 12 with David Haynes Slides

  • 25 Aug 2020 2:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Knowledge Graphs, Part II: Practical Applications

    Once again, we were privileged to have Bob Kasenchak and Ahren Lehnert from Synaptica share their knowledge of Knowledge Graphs, this time, by going through a wealth of applications.

    Thanks to Bob and Ahren for a very engaging presentation. Their slides can be viewed here 

  • 22 Jul 2020 8:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Knowledge Graphs, Part I: Theories and Definitions

    Bob Kasenchak and Ahren Lehnert from Synaptica led the first part of a discussion on knowledge graphs, including various approaches and definitions to what they are and how they are applied.

    Bob's and Ahren's slides can be viewed here.

  • 28 Jun 2020 10:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The biennial General Assembly of ISKO International will be a virtual meeting held on Tuesday 7th of July 2020, 4 pm BST.

    This year’s General Assembly will be the last under our old constitution before we transfer to the newly-incorporated non-profit organization in Canada. Currently ISKO is a German non-profit organization, which means that we are dependent on German-speaking members to handle all our formal registration and returns. Being incorporated in an English-speaking territory widens the scope for participation in the administration and oversight of the organization.

    Members will be reviewing the new constitution and by-laws. Election to the Executive Board and appointment of the Board of Directors will take place by electronic poll in the week following the General Assembly.

  • 18 Jun 2020 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    How the BBC is approaching metadata quality measurement

    by Jeremy Tarling, Data Governance Specialist at the BBC

    The BBC has been using content metadata to drive audience-facing experiences for the past eight years. Over this time we have evolved a mixture of human and machine content descriptions with varying levels of metadata quality. In this talk Jeremy gave some background to how content metadata has evolved at the BBC and how we are now planning to develop common metrics based on metadata completeness, accuracy and provenance.

    You can view Jeremy's slides here

  • 26 May 2020 1:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This virtual Meetup was the first in the "Hidden World of Knowledge Organization" series in which we will be looking into situations and practices that can be understood and managed through the application of knowledge organization.

    Slides presented by the speakers are available here

  • 30 Apr 2020 5:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The second KO Meetup of 2020 was a hand-on session on data visualization led by Tara McDarby. Pitched at newcomers, this event provided an introduction to the subject. 

    Using Python, Tara demonstrated how to use machine learning to produce data visualizations from textual data drawn from dataset held in the British Library Labs.

    Presentation slides are available here 

  • 13 Apr 2020 4:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ISKO UK is pleased to announce the launch of its 2020 research award for students who wish to engage in Knowledge Organization (KO) related studies and research.  Financial support of up to £500 is available:

    ·         to attend events that have a significant coverage of KO topics

    ·         towards expenses incurred in the course of a research project or part of a project with a significant KO aspect

    Find out details here

  • 20 Feb 2020 2:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Knowledge Organization Meetup has resumed its evenings  with an interactive session: ‘Taxonomies/Thesauri/Ontologies – what’s best for me?’

    Slides of Niké's presentation can be accessed here 

    Niké Brown, member of ISKO UK and taxonomist at Wiley and Sons, has kindly agreed to introduce the topic and moderate the discussion. Niké has over 20 years of publishing and information management experience.

    We hope that participants have left the Meetup with a better understanding of the differences between these formats of controlled vocabulary which, in turn, will give them confidence to decide which format to adopt for their respective needs. This session was designed mainly for newcomers to the world of taxonomies, but all were welcome!

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