
Ian Ruthven is a Professor of Information Seeking and Retrieval in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde. He works in the area of information seeking and retrieval; understanding how (and why) people search for information and how electronic systems might help them search more successfully. This brings in a wide range of research including theoretical research on the design and modelling of information access systems, empirical research on interfaces and user interaction and research on the methodology of evaluating information access systems. Recent research has included interface design research to help children search for information, information seeking studies on information poverty within marginalised groups and studies on how people use online information to create a sense of happiness.

Keynote Address: Becoming Different: Information Behaviours in the Times of Personal Change

Invited Speakers

Enrico Daga is a Senior Research Fellow at The Open University (UK). After playing key roles in projects developing intelligent systems for Ontology Engineering (NeOn) and Smart Cities (MK:Smart), his current research is exploring the application of modern knowledge graph technologies in complex, socio-technical environments: cultural heritage, smart cities and robotics, and healthcare. Specifically, he is developing novel methods for knowledge graph construction (SPARQL Anything) and curation, including policies and process knowledge (The SPICE Linked Data). He is currently engaged in two EU-funded projects in the area of semantics and cultural heritage: SPICE and Polifonia.

Keynote Address: Citizen experiences in cultural heritage archives: a data journey

David Elsweiler is a senior lecturer at the Chair for Information Science at the University of Regensburg. His research interests revolve around information behaviour, i.e., how people find, manage and share information of all kinds. Utilising a variety of empirical approaches, ranging from analyses of naturalistic log-data to laboratory studies to behavioural simulations, as well as qualitative approaches, such as interviews and think-alouds, provides multiple perspectives on diverse behaviours. His most recent work has focused on digital food choices and assessing the credibility of information sourced from the web. David completed an undergraduate degree and PhD in Computer Science at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow before moving to Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen. He has worked at the University of Regensburg since 2011, where he has since completed a habilitation project in the field of Information Science.

Title: Biases in Information Behaviour: Making (better) online choices 

Paul Groth is Professor of Algorithmic Data Science at the University of Amsterdam where he leads the Intelligent Data Engineering Lab (INDElab). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southampton (2007) and has done research at the University of Southern California, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Elsevier Labs. His research focuses on intelligent systems for dealing with large amounts of diverse contextualized knowledge with a particular focus on web and science applications. This includes research in data provenance, data integration and knowledge sharing. Paul is scientific director of the UvA’s Data Science Center. Additionally, he is co-scientific director of two Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) labs: The AI for Retail (AIR) Lab - a collaboration between UvA and Ahold Delhaize; and the Discovery Lab - a collaboration between Elsevier, the University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam. Paul is co-author of “Provenance: an Introduction to PROV” and “The Semantic Web Primer: 3rd Edition” as well as numerous academic articles.

Talk title: Knowledge Engineering in the Language Model Era

David Haynes teaches knowledge organization at Edinburgh Napier University. He is Secretary of ISKO and chairs the ISKO Working Group on Metadata Guidelines for Subject Access. He gained a PhD in Information Science from City, University of London after a 30-year career as an LIS researcher, consultant and project manager. He is the author of the book: Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval (2nd edition, 2018).

Talk title: Improving Search Quality by Enhancing Access to Metadata

Stephen Makri is an academic in the field of Human Information Interaction and self-proclaimed "prince of Serendip." He has researched the role of serendipity in digital information environments since 2010 and has advocated broadening the boundaries of information-seeking beyond active search – to passive forms of information acquisition, such as serendipitous information encountering. In 2016, he co-edited the book "Accidental Information Discovery: Cultivating Serendipity in the Digital Age" (Chandos Publishing) with Tammera Race. His research in this area has featured widely in the media, including the BBC, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), The Times and Readers Digest.

Talk title: ‘Seeking Serendipity’ through Knowledge Organisation: Creating a Knowledge Infrastructure for Surprising, Meaningful Discoveries through Browsing

Martin White is Managing Director of Intranet Focus Ltd. which he founded in 1999. He has carried out over 100 intranet projects in the UK, Europe, North America and the Middle East, run workshops on intranet management and enterprise search management and keynoted at many conferences around the world. He is Vice-Chairman of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BSC IRSG). He is the author of eight books, including "Making Search Work" (Facet Publishing 2008) and "Enterprise Search" (O'Reilly Media 2015). His primary area of research is understanding the factors that affect the way that information flows around organizations. Personal webpage.

Talk title: Information Quality and its Impact on Enterprise Search Satisfaction

Peter Winstanley is an ontologist in the Semantic Arts team. He has a diverse background with experience in medical research, government, and in standards development. He was a contributor to the W3C "Data on the Web Best Practices" recommendation and an editor of the W3C "Data Catalog" vocabulary recommendation. A former interoperability specialist with the UK Government Linked Data and Data Architects' Working Groups and the European Commission "Joinup" semantic technologies community, he is currently co-Chair of the W3C Dataset Exchange Working Group.

Talk title: Is an Upper Ontology Useful?

Marcia Zeng is Professor of Information Science at Kent State University (USA). Her primary research interests include knowledge organization systems, linked data, metadata, smart data and big data, semantic technologies, and digital humanities. Dr. Zeng has authored over 100 research papers and five books. She has chaired and served on committees, working groups, and executive boards including IFLA, SLA, ASIS&T, NISO, ISO, DCMI, ISKO, and W3C. She was a member of the working group that developed the international standard ISO 25964 (Thesauri and Interoperability with other vocabularies).

Title: Visual Representations of Knowledge Structures for Information Discovery

Douglas Tudhope is Professor in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales and leads the Hypermedia Research Group. His main research interests are in Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) and Services and their potential for assisting interactive and automatic indexing and retrieval. He has participated in the FP7 ARIADNE and H2020 ARIADNEplus Archaeological Infrastructures Projects and was PI on the AHRC funded STAR, STELLAR and SENESCHAL projects and the preceding EPSRC funded FACET project, investigating thesaurus-based query expansion. He is a member of the Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems/Services (NKOS) network and has (co)organised various NKOS workshops. He was a member of the ISO TC46/SC9/SC8 (and NISO) working group developing a new thesaurus standard (ISO 25964).

Title: KOS-based enrichment of archaeological fieldwork reports

Ceri Binding has been a researcher in the Hypermedia Research Group at University of South Wales since 2007, having previously worked in civil engineering and then software development. During that time he has jointly published several research papers focussed on the subjects of controlled vocabularies, data integration & interoperability, Linked Open Data and the semantic web. He developed the 'heritage data' platform making national cultural heritage controlled vocabularies available as Linked Open Data. He produced a SKOS RDF conversion for the Integrative Levels Classification (2nd Edition, ILC2). He created and maintains an open archive of Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems (NKOS) workshop proceedings. Recent research projects include ARIADNEplus H2020 project (and its predecessor ARIADNE), and the Historic England MATRIX project. His research interests include knowledge organisation, controlled vocabularies and semantic web technologies.

Title: KOS-based enrichment of archaeological fieldwork reports

Carlin Soos is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he conducts research on classification theory, catalogs, perceptual categorization, and health ontologies. His dissertation analyzes how tacit knowledge and heuristic reasoning impact the classification of food, meal patterns, and diet-related health conditions. As a Teaching Fellow with UCLA’s Undergraduate Education Initiatives, Carlin expands upon this work by instructing courses on food and sustainability.

Title: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations for Understanding the Influence of Tacit Knowledge on Category Development and Classificatory Structure

Deborah Lee is a Lecturer in Library and Information Studies at University College London (UCL), specialising in researching and teaching knowledge organisation. She has previously taught information organisation modules at City, University of London, and Charles Sturt University, Australia. Deborah was awarded her PhD in Library and Information Science in 2017 from City, University of London, and her thesis is a deep analysis of the classification of Western art music. Her research interests include music classification, theories of knowledge organisation systems, and arts cataloguing and classification. Deborah’s research appears in publications including Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Journal of Information Science, Journal of Documentation, Knowledge Organization, Information Research, Journal of Library Metadata, Art Libraries Journal and Proceedings of the Document Academy, among others. Before joining UCL, Deborah held roles as the Joint Acting Head of the Book Library and the Senior Cataloguer at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, and various other cataloguing and library positions.

Title: Knowledge organisation in two-dimensional space: exploring visualisation within classification schemes

Fereshta Westin began her doctoral studies in 2020 at the department of Library and Information Science at the University of Borås, Sweden. Her thesis is about organizing novels based on temporal information, specifically when the story plays out, for example, in Medieval times or World War 1. Machine learning methods are used to organize temporal information. Given her topic, her interests lie between knowledge organization and machine learning methods. Before her doctoral studies, she taught different programming languages at Borås University.

Title: Comparing Feature Engineering Techniques for Time Period Categorization of Novels

Ginerva Peruginelli is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems of the CNR. She has a Law degree and a PhD in Telematics and Information Society, University of Florence. Since 2003 she is entitled to practice as a lawyer and admitted to the Bar. She has collaborated as professor under contract on legal informatics at the University of Florence (2012) and of Perugia (2004-2010). She is member of the Free access to Law Association (FALM) and the Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the Association. She is co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Open Access to Law - JOAL (Cornell University, Law School). She was Conference Chair of the International Conference Law via the Internet 2008 and 2018 in Florence. She participates in various national, European and international projects in the field of legal informatics and she is author of numerous scientific works in this discipline. Her main research areas currently concern: legal organisation and metadata; bibliometrics; open access to law; copyright law and access to knowledge. Orcid: 0000-0002-9331-4476.

Poster: Knowledge Organization Systems in the Law Domain: Benefits and Challenges

Enrico Francesconi is a Research Director at the Institute for Legal Informatics and Judicial Studies of the CNR and, currently, he is Policy Officer of the European Parliament. His research interests include legal ontologies and knowledge representation, AI techniques for legal document classification, knowledge extraction, legal information retrieval. He is President of the Nominating Committee of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL). He was President IAAIL for the period 2020-2021 and Member of the IAAIL Executive Committee (2014-2021). He is Section Editor on Ontology and Knowledge Representation of the Artificial Intelligence and Law journal (Springer), co-Editor in Chief of the Journal on Open Access to Law (Cornell University, Law School), Scientific Advisory Board Member of Law, Governance and Technology Series (Springer). He was Conference Chair of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2013, Rome), Program Chair of the 34th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (Jurix 2022). Orcid: 0000-0001-8397-5820.

Poster: Knowledge Organization Systems in the Law Domain: Benefits and Challenges

Claudio Gnoli is librarian at the University of Pavia Science and Technology Library. His interests include knowledge organization in general, theory of classification, their philosophical grounds and their application to online knowledge bases. He has authored papers and books in the KO field, including Introduction to Knowledge Organization (Facet, 2020), and is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Documentation, Knowledge Organization and AIDA Informazioni. He is a former vice-president and the current webmaster of international ISKO. His website is at

Title: Simpler search in a complex world: browsing ethnographic videos by freely faceted classmarks

Tanja Mercun is an assistant professor in the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her research focuses on the design of bibliographic information systems, human-computer interaction and user experience in virtual and physical spaces. She has published her research at various international conferences and in journals such as Journal of Documentation, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and Cataloguing and Classification Quarterly.

Title: Navigating an online bookstore: User experience insights from eye-tracking and think-aloud

Maja Kuhar is a PhD student in the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her research focuses on the use of eye-tracking for evaluating and designing digital libraries. She is interested in exploration of complementarity of different methods and discovering their unique benefits for improving information systems. 

Title: Navigating an online bookstore: User experience insights from eye-tracking and think-aloud

Zanna Friberg is a PhD student in Information Studies at the Department of ALM (Archival, Library & Information, Museum & Cultural Heritage Studies) at Uppsala University in Sweden. Friberg has an MA in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies and a BA in Archaeology and a broad research interest in the care and mediation of cultural heritage resources. Friberg’s PhD work is part of the research project CAPTURE, with funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 818210. 

Poster: Guiding the unknown traveller in a land not fully known - Helping users navigate new and old knowledge organisation systems

Tenna Eliasen is a digital communications specialist and works with user experience at Royal Danish Library. She holds a MA degree in art history and media studies from Aarhus University and a Master of IT with the specialisation in interaction design and multimedia from Aalborg University. 

Title: Participatory, generative design methods: How to involve end-users as active participants in the design of information architecture

Marianne Lykke is professor and leader of Research section Human-centered Science and Digital Technologies at the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University. She holds a MA degree in Library and Information Science from Copenhagen University and a PhD in Knowledge Organisation and management from Åbo Academy University in Finland. Her research interests include design of knowledge organization systems, user studies and user experience, user-centered design methodologies, science communication. She has advised and carried out consultancy work for a range of public and private organisations.

Title: Participatory, generative design methods: How to involve end-users as active participants in the design of information architecture

Eleni Georgaki is a PhD candidate in the Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport of the University of the Aegean and is preparing her doctoral dissertation entitled ‘Digital visual documentation and communication of Greek maritime heritage’ in the framework of the research project EN.I.R.I.S.S.T.

She has studied Philology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and then, Archives, Librarianship and Museology at the Ionian University. She completed her postgraduate studies in Information Systems at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.

Title: A Maritime Heritage Thesaurus based on a Greek project documentation case

Michael Upshall is Community and Outreach Manager for CORE, assisting CORE the aggregator of open-access content to develop a new participatory membership model. He has been involved as a consultant in digital information for over 20 years, addressing the challenge of effective digital content creation, enrichment, and discovery. Most recently he was Head of Business Development at UNSILO, a Danish machine-learning software company providing AI-based recommender and classification systems for text corpora. Publishers he has worked with include CABI, The IET, and Cambridge University Press; other clients include JISC, the UK organisation for technology in higher education. He writes about the impact of AI on scholarly publishing, as well as a regular blog.

Title: Why and how we built a domain-based subject gateway: Ortho Search

Shu-Jiu (Sophy) Chen is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, and also serves as the Executive Secretary of the Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures (ASCDC). She obtained her M.A. degree in Information Studies from the University of Sheffield, UK, and her Ph.D. degree in Library and Information Science from the National Taiwan University. Dr. Chen also holds the position of Adjunct Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Library, Information, and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University. Her research interests include digital libraries, digital curation, metadata, ontologies, Linked Data, knowledge organization, and digital humanities. She initiated the Research Project of Chinese-language AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) with the Getty Research Institute, USA since 2008, and the Linked Open Data Lab in Academia Sinica since 2018.

Poster: Qing Dynasty Official Documents as a Genre for Developing Ontologies for Digital Humanities Research

Hye Lim (Joy) Nam is a doctoral student based in the University of Glasgow and the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Joy is conducting a comparative investigation of disciplinary cultures and practices in research institutions and the ways in which they shape information behaviour and experience.

Doctoral research: Exploring scholarly perceptions of knowledge organisation across disciplines

Ash Carlton comes from a cross-disciplinary background in history, linguistics and information studies, graduating from the University of Glasgow with a masters in Information Management and Preservation in 2021. Currently she is a second-year Collaborative Doctoral Award researcher with the University of Edinburgh and National Library of Scotland, based in the History School. She is affiliated with the university's Centre for Data, Culture and Society's Digital Cultural Heritage Cluster and is interested in how we access and interrogate our historical information environments.

Doctoral research: Slavery and Race in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1768-1860): A Text Mining Approach

Jennifer Hamilton has just finished her PhD in the department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Strathclyde. Her research focused on national libraries' social media use and user engagement of social media. She has previously presented her work at the Social Media and Society conference and the CILIPS conference.

Doctoral research: A toolkit for better understanding of user engagements with online content

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