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Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Organization

11 Jun 2019 1:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The start of London Tech Week highlights the crucial role of high-tech industries for future economic development. This year’s preoccupation with AI has manifest itself in a good number of events already. 

The information profession has been particularly concerned about the impact of AI on knowledge organization. At the ISKO UK 2019 biennial Conference, on the 15th and 16th July, 2019, Michael Upshall will be questioning the role of Taxonomies in the light of available AI tools. It will be interesting to see whether we need to do things differently or whether AI provides a way of improving current approaches to knowledge organization. Tony Russell-Rose will be exploring advanced searching using AI based approaches to search strategy formulation. 

These are two of more than 30 papers and presentations at the conference: The Human Position in an Artificial World which will be held at City, University of  London.  The conference will start with Jem Rayfield, of Ontotext  delivering his keynote speech on Monday, 15th, followed by a full day of papers and then commence again on Tuesday, 16th with Neil Maiden of Cass Business School as the keynote speaker. In the afternoon, there will be our panel discussion ' In an AI supported world, where do the opportunities lie for knowledge organization?'  and the chance to view the poster contributions.

www.iskouk2019.org #ISKOUK2019

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