ISKO-STAC (International Society for Knowledge Organization – Scientific and Technical Advisory Council) has 6 openings for four-year terms, July 2025 - July 2029. As well as ISKO members, ISKO also welcomes non-ISKO members on to the Council, to cover the many disciplines that contribute to KO.
To express an interest in joining STAC, please email and by 15 April 2025 with a brief explanation of why you are interested and what role you would like to play in STAC. Attach (1) Your CV and (2) the completed ISKO-STAC Areas of Expertise Form (ISKO-STAC-AreasOfExpertiseAndWorkingGroups.docx).
If you can suggest anyone whom we could approach about joining STAC, please email
About STAC
STAC advises the ISKO membership and the ISKO Board of Directors on ongoing developments in KO research and technology and on areas where more research and development is needed.
In line with ISKO's mission, the Council is concerned with the scholarship, theory, principles, and applications of the pervasive subject of Knowledge Organization:
- as dealt with in Information Studies, Philosophy, the Ontology community, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Linguistics, CS (Data Modeling, AI, ML), Taxonomies; data schemas & formats;
- as applied in, among others, libraries & bibliographic systems, the Web, archives; museums, cultural heritage; process modelling; information systems, including health, finance, legal, government, etc.
Some of these involve leading a special activity of STAC.
See Terms of Reference: and
Please note the STAC member responsibilities when considering applying for this committee:
STAC member responsibilities
A1 Minimum responsibilities
A1.1 Participate in STAC meetings (six per year) and online discussions.
A1.2 Participate actively in at least one STAC working group.
A1.3 Be prepared to serve as reviewer for the Official Journal of the Society and for the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO), up to two submissions a year in total.
A1.4 Be active in ISKO conferences (international or regional/chapter) (e.g. attend, submit papers, review submissions, serve on the organization and/or program committees, help in the promotion). Be prepared to review up to three conference submissions a year.
A1.5 [Under consideration Participate in creating at least two of: Structured Abstract or Contribution Synopsis of a paper; two-page Concept Brief. Can be of one's own paper or prepared as part of reviewing a submission.]
A2 Extended responsibilities
A2.1 Submit papers to ISKO publications, the Official Journal of the Society, the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO), and conferences.
A2.2 Encourage renowned authors across disciplines (especially disciplines that need stronger representation) to submit papers to ISKO publications or suggest authors to be invited.
A2.3 Propose topics for special issues of the Official Journal of the Society and perhaps work on creating the special issue, possibly as (co-) editor.
A2.4 Promote new papers/articles in ISKO publications by posting short announcements in listservs / social media whose readership would benefit from being aware of the paper.
If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to email Dr. Deborah Lee ( and/or Prof. Dagobert Soergel (