For some years, ISKO UK has been a partner in the organisation of the Tony Kent Strix Award for Information Retrieval along with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group and the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG). The award is now presented by the UK electronic information Group (UKeiG)
We are now looking for a member of ISKO UK to sit on the judging panel for the award (see list of past winners). It is a very rewarding position to be in as it is gives the opportunity to review high quality applications from all over the world. Apart from being an ISKO UK member, the main requisite is to be interested and knowledgeable in the field of Information Retrieval. The incoming representative will be briefed by Stella Dextre Clarke who has held the position for many years and is now stepping down. Anyone one interested should contact the ISKO UK Chair at in the first instance.