KO Research Observatory Speakers |
Andrew MacFarlane is a Reader in Information Retrieval at City, University of London. He is a member of the Centre for HCI Design at at that institution. His research interests in information retrieval or search technologies are wide ranging from the technical side of computing (search algorithms) to information science (meta-data for search) and HCI (accessible information retrieval systems). He has developed a particular interest over the years in professional search in various environments such as journalism and advertising and has been an investigator on a number of different projects investigating key issues in this field. Title: Exploiting information assets to enhance verification in Journalism: the DMINR approach |
Sondess Missaouri is a research fellow at the University of York, and was formally a member of both the DMINR project and the Centre for HCI Design at City. Her research focuses on machine learning, information retrieval, and information filtering systems. She is interested in designing and evaluating personalised and context-aware search systems that enable to improve the user experience while maintaining the retrieval accuracy. Title: Exploiting information assets to enhance verification in Journalism: the DMINR approach |
Neil Maiden is Professor of Digital Creativity at the Business School (formerly Cass) at City, University of London, and Director of the National Centre for Creativity enabled by AI funded by Research England. His current research interests include uses of artificial intelligence to augment human creativity and enhancing design methods and tools to generate more creative solutions. He is and has been a principal and co-investigator on numerous EPSRC- and EU-funded research projects with a total value of over £64 million. He has published over 220 peer-reviewed papers in academic journals, conferences and workshops proceedings. He was Program Chair for the 12th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering in Kyoto in 2004, and Editor of the IEEE Software’s Requirements column from 2005-2013. Read more on the Neil's webpage. Title: Exploiting information assets to enhance creativity and innovation: the CebAI approach |
Martin White is Managing Director of Intranet Focus Ltd. which he founded in 1999. He has carried out over 100 intranet projects in the UK, Europe, North America and the Middle East, run workshops on intranet management and enterprise search management and keynoted at many conferences around the world. He has been a Visiting Professor in the Information School, University of Sheffield since 2002 and is Vice-Chairman of the BCS Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BSC IRSG). He is the author of eight books, including "Making Search Work" (Facet Publishing 2008) and "Enterprise Search" (O'Reilly Media 2015). His primary area of research is understanding the factors that affect the way that information flows around organizations (learn more about his most recent research). Title: Using computational ethnography to track information use in knowledge organisations |
Gerard Coen is part of the Research Data Expert Team at DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services), the Dutch National Centre of Expertise and Repository for Research Data. Gerard has worked on building a Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) Observatory, to explore the histories and evolution of systems such as ontologies, taxonomies, thesauri and other vocabularies. He is an Editor of the Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC), and Treasurer of the International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO) Low Countries Chapter. He also works on projects for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). He is the project co-lead for the FAIRsFAIR project. In addition to project management and coordination he focuses on the task related to FAIR Semantics. Title (19 May 2021): Observing trajectories in Science: Building the DANS KOS Observatory Title (27 Oct 2021): Recommendations for FAIR Semantics from the FAIRsFAIR projects |
Uma Balakrishnan holds a Master degree in Library and Information Science from Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen). She is in charge of subject indexing and KOS related projects at the Head office of the Common Library Network GBV (Verbundzentrale des GBV - VZG)). Uma is a leader on the mapping initiative coli-conc project. Her responsibilities and interests include KOS, semantic web, metadata standards and interoperability and users search interface. She represents the VZG at various expert panels such as the AG-K10plus SE (Expert Group for K10plus Subject indexing), the FAG-EI (GBV Expert Group for Information and Indexing), the European Dewey User Group and the Regensburg Verbund Classification User group. Title: Looking both ways, BARTOC then and now as it prepares for the future of Knowledge Organization |
Jakob Voss works in Research and Development at the headquarters of Common Library Network (Verbundzentrale des GBV - VZG) in Göttingen (Germany). He graduated computer science and philosophy, and holds an MA and a PhD degrees in library information science from Humboldt University (Berlin). His research interest include data modelling, interoperability and knowledge organization. Jakob participated in the founding of Wikimedia Germany and has long been active in the Wikimedia movement, in particular Wikidata and WikiCite. Title: Looking both ways, BARTOC then and now as it prepares for the future of Knowledge Organization |
Richard P. Smiraglia is Senior Fellow and Executive Director of IKOS - Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure. Edmund J.Y. Pajarillo is a contributing member of IKOS. He is Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Graduate Studies in Nursing, College of Nursing and Public Health, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. Elizabeth Milonas is Associate Fellow of IKOS. She holds a PhD from Long Island University. She is Assistant Professor, Computer Systems, Technology Department, New York City College of Technology (CUNY). Sergey Zherebchevsky is Associate Fellow of IKOS. He is PhD Candidate, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University. Title: Home care nursing information behavior: expansion of a knowledge base in a time of pandemic |
Ronald Cornet is Associate Professor and Principle Investigator at the department of Medical Informatics in the Amsterdam Public Health research institute, Amsterdam UMC. His research focuses on semantic interoperability and natural language processing. He is involved in health care information standardization and is a member of the Dutch, European (CEN) and global (ISO) standardization committees on health informatics. Ronald is also involved in SNOMED International, which is responsible for maintenance and further development of SNOMED CT. He chairs the IMIA working group on Language and Meaning in Biomedicine, and participates in various international projects: FAIR4Health, European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (EJP-RD), CAPABLE, and C4C. At University of Amsterdam, Ronald teaches subjects dealing with information modelling, knowledge representation and semantic interoperability in health care. Title: Making healthcare data FAIR data: the ontologies-data models-instances conundrum |
Hanne Poelmans (Hasselt University, Belgium), is a staff member of the Information Management and Strategic data-analysis division of the Research Coordination Office at Hasselt University and of the ‘Research information modelling and semantics’ project of the Expertise Centre for Research and Development Monitoring (ECOOM) of the Flemish government. She is involved in a project that focuses on reducing the administrative burden on researchers and to increase the quality of research reports, by developing semantically enriched classification systems for research information. Hanne is a member of an inter-university project, in collaboration with the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), on harmonising the semantics used in university rankings, where she is chair of the VLIR ad hoc working group on university rankings.
Sophie Biesenbender is senior researcher and acting head of the department Research System and Science Dynamics at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies. She has worked in different projects and initiatives for the standardization of research information in the German science system. She holds a doctorate in politics and public administration from the University of Konstanz. Her research focusses on quantitative science studies, research evaluation, research governance and comparative public policy.
Title: Developing a Classification for Interdisciplinary Research Fields for the German Science System |
Marcia Zeng is Professor of Information Science at Kent State University (USA). Her primary research interests include knowledge organization systems, linked data, metadata, smart data and big data, semantic technologies, and digital humanities. Dr. Zeng has authored over 100 research papers and five books. She has chaired and served on committees, working groups, and executive boards including IFLA, SLA, ASIS&T, NISO, ISO, DCMI, ISKO, and W3C. She was a member of the working group that developed the international standard ISO 25964 (Thesauri and Interoperability with other vocabularies). Title: FAIR + FIT : Functional Metrics for Linked Open Data (LOD) KOS Products |
Philipp Conzett is a Senior Research Librarian at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. As a member of the research support team at the UiT Library, he devotes much of his time to working on Open Science, especially research data management. He is one of the repository managers of DataverseNO and of the Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing). He is a member of several working groups and managing committees related to research data management and Open Science, including the European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology (CLARIN), the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), the Global Dataverse Community Consortium (GDCC), RDA in Norway, and the RDA Linguistics Data IG. Philipp holds an MA in Nordic Linguistics and is currently doing research on word-formation and grammatical gender in Norwegian. |
Judi Vernau has been a practising information architect for over thirty years, and was the co-founder of Metataxis Ltd in 2002, a UK company specialising in information management and information architecture. Her particular interest has always been in structuring and categorising content, and I’ve built metadata schemes, thesauri, taxonomies and ontologies for government, third sector and commercial organisations around the world. She is now based in New Zealand, where she has recently been working on options for an all-of-government ontology for Archives New Zealand, as well as researching the development and use of indigenous metadata. She rans regular courses in information architecture at Victoria University Wellington. Title: Indigenous metadata: the view from a Pākehā (non-Māori person) |
![]() | Edgardo Civallero is the coordinator of the Library, Archive & Museum at Charles Darwin Foundation in Galapagos (Ecuador). He holds a degree in Library and Information Sciences from the University of Córdoba (Argentina) where he also studied and was trained in Marine Sciences and Biology. He worked as a librarian, information consultant and researcher in Spain, Argentina and Colombia. A significant part of his work in South America focused on library services for indigenous peoples. Over the past ten years he also worked on the revision of classification of languages, geography, biology and music in Universal Decimal Classification. He also contributed to the translation and proofreading of UDC Summary to Spanish, Portuguese and Esperanto, and coordinated translation into Galician and Basque. Edgardo's research interest is in knowledge classification, digital humanities, oral tradition and the recovery of endangered sounds (languages and music). His research and writing include topics of sustainability, degrowth, open access and decolonization, and their relation to information in a Knowledge Society. Title: Moving between two worlds: translating a classification system |
Ludo Waltman is professor of Quantitative Science Studies and deputy director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University. He is also associate director of the Research on Research Institute. His work focuses on developing new infrastructures, algorithms, and tools to support research assessment, science policy, and scholarly communication. Together with his colleague Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo has developed the well-known VOSviewer software tool for bibliometric visualization. Ludo is coordinator of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, a bibliometric ranking of major universities worldwide. He also coordinates the Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA). In addition, Ludo serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Quantitative Science Studies. Personal webpage |
Clara Calero-Medina is a senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands. She has a background in Economics, and Science and Technologies Studies. As a researcher her work is related with network analysis applied to scientific publications, particularly citations and co-authorship networks for the study of research performance. Clara has published numerous papers related with these issues. Another line of her research is related University Rankings. Finally she is also involved in the CWTS research team 'Society using research Evaluation'. At CWTS, Clara is also coordinating and managing the different contract research projects carried out at the institute. Personal webpage Title: The CWTS Leiden Ranking: a responsible approach to university ranking |
Philipp Mayr-Schlegel is a team leader (Information & Data Retrieval) at the GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences department Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (WTS). He holds a PhD degree in applied informetrics and information retrieval from Humboldt University Berlin and published extensively on the topic of areas informetrics, information retrieval and digital libraries. His research group “Information and Data Retrieval” is working on methods and techniques of interactive information and dataset retrieval and maintains and further develops information systems for the social sciences. Philipp's research interest include: interactive IR, scholarly recommendation systems, non-textual ranking, bibliometric and scientometric methods, applied informetrics, science models in digital libraries, knowledge representation, semantic technologies, user studies, information behavior. Personal webpage Title: Analysing self-citations in a large bibliometric database |
Pei-Shan Chi is a senior researcher at the Centre for Research & Development Monitoring and the Faculty of Economics and Business at KU Leuven. She holds a BA and MA in library and information science from National Taiwan University, and completed a PhD at the Institute of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2014. Her research interests include bibliometric analysis, indicator development, and research evaluation in the social sciences and humanities. Title: Research impact beyond scholarly communication: the big challenge of Scientometrics 2.0 |
![]() | Wolfgang Glänzel is Director of the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) and Research Professor at KU Leuven. He is also affiliated with the Dept. Science Policy & Scientometrics at the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest (Hungary). Wolfgang Glänzel studied mathematics at the Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE) in Budapest. He holds a doctorate in mathematics from ELTE obtained in 1984 as well as a PhD in the Social Sciences obtained from Leiden University (Netherlands) in 1997. He worked about twenty years at the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences before he moved to Leuven (Belgium) in 2002, where he works and lives at present. He is also Guest Professor at several Universities in China and the UK. Wolfgang Glänzel has published about numerous journal articles, proceedings and book chapters and co-authored/edited several books as well. He was Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for two years in Germany. In 1999 he received the international Derek deSolla Price Award for outstanding contributions to the quantitative studies of science. He is the Secretary-Treasurer of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) and Editor-in-Chief of the Society’s Newsletter. Wolfgang Glänzel is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Scientometrics since 2014. Title: Research impact beyond scholarly communication: the big challenge of Scientometrics 2.0 |
Vincent Larivière is A professor of information science at the École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information, l’Université de Montréal, where he teaches research methods and bibliometrics. He is also the scientific director of the Érudit journal platform, associate scientific director of the Observatoire des sciences et des technologies, vice-rector of strategic planning and communications and a regular member of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie. He holds a B.A. in Science, Technology and Society (UQAM), an M.A. in history of science (UQAM) and a Ph.D. in information science (McGill), and has performed postdoctoral work at Indiana University’s Department of Information and Library Science. Personal webpage. Title: Are self-citations a normal feature of knowledge accumulation? |
Dakota Murray is a Postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University, and has demonstrated experience studying sources of bias in scientific careers, the mobility of scientists, and disagreement in science. He holds a doctorate in Informatics from Indiana University Bloomington. His current research focuses on leveraging full-text data and computational tools for developing an empirical and quantitative approach for studying scientific debates and consensus.. Personal webpage |
Christian Galinski is an expert in multilingual aspects of modern society, focusing on specialized communication, information and documentation, librarianship and archives, information and knowledge management, methodology standardization, as well as related legal implications. One of the initiators of the discussion concerning the multilingual nature of our information society, he has been instrumental in founding many institutions and organizations in the field of terminology and language resources. After pursuing Japanese and Chinese studies as well as communication studies at the University of Bonn Dr. Galinski spent two years in Japan for further studies and research on the history of Japanese education. He has conceived, planned and managed a large number of projects for UNESCO and European institutions, as well as for enterprises and other organizations. He is the author of many publications resulting from his research, training, and consultancy services. Title: Terminology standardization and database standards in general under a microcontent perspective |
Suzanne Fry is Head of Reference and Master Data Management at the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) where she works across UK government to develop standards and transform government’s use of data to drive efficiency and improve public services. Prior to that, she was Head of Classifications at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) where she was responsible for developing and launching the Taxonomy Oversight Group (TOG), alongside partners in CDDO. Title: The Taxonomy Oversight Group and its role in UK Government taxonomies |
Julia Bullard is an Assistant Professor at the UBC School of Information where she examines how communities instantiate their values in infrastructure, particularly through the design of knowledge organization systems. Her current work focuses on how catalogues can more fully represent LGBT2QIA+ communities and how traditional cataloguing represents Indigenous topics. She holds a PhD in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, an MLIS from the University of British Columbia, and an MA in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory from McMaster University. Title: Revising vocabularies for cultural hospitality: an argument for hospitable processes |
Jane Daniels was Bibliographic Librarian at Cardiff Metropolitan University until her retirement in April 2022. She catalogued a range of resources and also managed metadata received from system, content and service providers. She was also a member of the WHELF (Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum) Cataloguing & Metadata Group; the Jisc NBK Phase 2 Task & Finish Group for Metadata Quality & Standards - Plan M; and the Ex Libris Community Zone Management Group. She is an active member of the Joint USA, Canadian & UK Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee, who, working with the cataloguing community of practice, produced the Cataloguing Code of Ethics in 2021. She is the immediate past Chair of the CILIP Metadata & Discovery Group (previously the Cataloguing & Indexing Group.) Since retirement she has become a volunteer at her local museum and have become an advocate for the adoption of the Code in the wider cultural sector. |